Landscape development plan Duin Horst & Weide
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Landscape development plan Duin Horst & Weide

Municipalities in action for a sustainable metropolitan landscape Duin Horst & Weide

Three municipalities in the metropoltitan landscape of the Hague - Leiden worked together on a landscape development plan for this green area, called Duin Horst & Weide. It is allocated as a green buffer zone between The Hague and Leiden. It is marked by the landscape of dunes, rural estates and the meadows at so-called 'Green Heart'.

The three municipalities are united in the Pact of Duivenvoorde. They want to preserve this unique area and strengthen and develop the scenic landscape qualities, the natural values and the existing cultural heritage. At the same time they will make the change to develop the landscape for the public as part of the metropolitan area and to support certain developments, so the area will be economically vital.

Vision and projects
The mission statement of the Landscape Development Plan is that the landscape has to be vital and authentic. Of great importance is the function of the area within a metropolitan region, with attention for interaction between the urban and rural area. One of the projects is to realize gates on the edge of the urban and rural area, with a wide variety of facilities. From these gates, access for different types of recreation will be designed in relationship to vulnerable values. New functions are possible to give a economic impulse to the beautiful old estates. In agriculture scale enlargement as well as widening functions, like bed & breakfast, selling local products, excursions and workshops for the public will be supported.

Interactive process
The landscape development plan is mainly meant to generate specific projects, giving substance to the wish to strengthen the qualities of the area and the metropolitan function. While these projects will only work when they are supported by the people living and working here, an interactive process has been started. Groups of interest and inhabitants have got different opportunities to bring in their ideas and initiatives. An example of this participative process is a photo contest and a 'Landscape day', where Duin Horst & Weide could be experienced. So-called 'dream-sessions' also functioned as input for different projects.

Project number: 917

Product: Landscape Development Plan

Year: 2010 - 2012

Landschapsontwikkelingsplan Duin Horst & Weide

Februari 2012

Uitvoeringsprogramma Duin Horst & Weide

Februari 2012

Inventarisatie en analyse

Achtergronddocument bij LOP concept, november 2010

Brons + Partners Landscape architects - Everwijnstraat 9 - 4101 CE Culemborg The Netherlands - T: (+31)345 534 765 - E - © 2024